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Sylvia McAra PhD

Lymphoedema practitioner,
Leg and foot care

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 I enjoy providing podiatry services of diagnosis, treatment and management of problems with feet, ankles and legs for people of all ages.


 This includes problems with skin, pain, movement, swelling and general footcare and sporting issues. A range of  treatments are available. Simple treatments are offered as needed. Techniques including nail bracing and nail surgery are available for ingrowing nail issues. 

Most foot problems are preventable, so information to empower people to understand and manage their condition is part of the care.


My PhD study involved  assessing and  improving the blood pressure in feet and toes. This background is helpful dealing with leg and foot pain, swelling, and optimising wound healing.

I have a workshop where highly customised, unique  orthotics are made by hand. I enjoy the challenge of  meeting individual needs and  troubleshooting. 


I provide education in general podiatry topics, including the most recent evidence for valid clinical peripheral vascular assessment in user - friendly formats with handy clinical resources and practical experiences for participants.


About Dr Sylvia McAra 

Sylvia McAra PhD, podiatrist,  has spent 13 years as an educator in the Bachelor of Podiatry course at Charles Sturt University, and 2 years as a clinician in the Community Rehabilitation Centre at Wodonga Hospital, a podiatry service focused on high risk foot care. She has been a clinician in both private and public sector practice since first graduating in Sydney in 1985. Her honors project topic explored the awareness of loss of protective sensation in the feet of people with diabetic neuropathy.



 Gaining her PhD in 2015, her doctoral project involved using vascular toe pressure indices to measure outcomes using transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in peripheral arterial disease. Use of glyceryl trinitrate on the foot has beneficial effects on peripheral ischaemia, painful diabetic neuropathy, healing of foot ulceration and other conditions such as connective tissue disorders. Remarkable and rapid ulcer healing results and reduction in neuropathic pain have been noted in cases where low dose GTN has been used on the foot. Her recent doctoral study lends weight to this, but also invites further investigation in several areas.


Sylvia has been involved in authoring a number of peer reviewed publications- see the list on this website under Presentations and Publications for her publication list and a list of conference presentations and her seminars.

Now she provides podiatry services in private practice,  at a large multidisciplinary medical centre in Wodonga on the border of NSW and Victoria at Central Medical Group.


Education to upskill GPs, nurses and allied health workforces in podiatric topics is a passionate ongoing pursuit. Educational offerings range from 20 minute talks that could provide an overview of a topic at a staff meeting, to full day seminars, in which there is time for practical hands-on experience with the tools of clinical vascular assessment. Evidence of the effectiveness of this education is available.


A special interest in comfortable custom orthotics that really fit both the foot and the footwear is a unique offering.  Sylvia specialises in low bulk orthotics. This includes a super slim fit option that is based on individual biomechanical needs, providing unsurpassed function and fit. Think again about those shoes you never thought could fit orthotics. See the section on Orthotic Therapy in this website. 

Link to my ResearchGate profile">Sylvia Mcara on ResearchGate</a>



Bookings essential - Appointments 

Untill end of February 2024
 at  Central Medical Group
224 Beechworth Rd. Wodonga 
phone 02 6024 3233




From the 12th of March 2024

 to new premises:

10 Nilmar Avenue, Wodonga Vic 3690


phone 0499 883 903




Educational services: Call Sylvia on 0499883903 to discuss the needs and interests of your organisation. 




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